Legal Notice
This website Legal Notice (“Notice”) contains important information about the terms, conditions, and risks associated with using the stellarautosourcing.com website. Please read this information carefully.
In consideration of the information and services provided by stellarautosourcing.com, the User hereby agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in this Notice, as amended from time to time.
The User promises to read this Notice carefully and retain it for future reference. The User understands that the terms and conditions of this Notice govern all aspects of his relationship with stellarautosourcing.com, including all transactions between the User and stellarautosourcing.com or the User and any other consumers of stellarautosourcing.com. The User hereby understands that the information on this website may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. stellarautosourcing.com makes no representations about the accuracy or reliability of the information contained on this website. The use of stellarautosourcing.com and any information contained on this website is at the User’s sole risk. stellarautosourcing.com reserves the right to modify or make changes to this website or Notice at any time.
The User hereby agrees and accepts the terms and conditions as set forth from stellarautosourcing.com that the material and services as laid out are provided on an “as-is” basis, meaning that the material and services are provided without any express or implied warranty. stellarautosourcing.com does not claim any warranty with regards to the quality, accuracy, or content of the information as stated on this website or any information received as a result of using this website. stellarautosourcing.com also disclaims any warranty, either expressed or implied, as to title or warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. stellarautosourcing.com further disclaims any warranties concerning the Current Lessee to provide and/or deliver any leased asset to consumers of stellarautosourcing.com or any Current Lessee registered with stellarautosourcing.com to pay a potential Lessee any payments involving a leased asset which may be described on this website.
The User hereby acknowledges and agrees that stellarautosourcing.com does not and in no way can control the actions of consumers of this website. If at anytime a dispute between the User and one or more other consumers of this website arise as a result of using stellarautosourcing.com, the User hereby releases stellarautosourcing.com, its officers, directors, and employees from any claims, demands, causes of action, suits and damages arising from such dispute.
The User hereby accepts that this Agreement is deemed to have made in the State of Ohio and will be construed, and the rights and liabilities of the User determined, in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Ohio. Furthermore, the User hereby understands and accepts that any dispute, claim or controversy arising from or related to a relationship created by this website shall be submitted to binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association,(“AAA”). The arbitration shall be governed by AAA applicable arbitration rules. The arbitration shall take place in Cincinnati, Ohio. By accepting the binding arbitration provision in this Notice, the User agrees to give up the right to sue stellarautosourcing.com in court, including the right to trial by jury, except as provided by the rules of the arbitration as administered by AAA. The User furthermore accepts that the decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the User and may be entered as a judgment by a state or federal court.
The User acknowledges that stellarautosourcing.com, its officers, directors, and employees do not verify information provided by its clients and/or business partners. Therefore, stellarautosourcing.com cannot and shall not be held responsible for any inaccuracies contained in this website or from any information derived from use of this website. By using this website, the User hereby agrees that such information is believed to be accurate, but that the accuracy of said information is not guaranteed whether expressed or implied.
The User agrees that stellarautosourcing.com, its officers, directors, and employees in no way guarantee that an individual using this website will be approved by the Financial Lending Company named on the lease for assumption of the lease. stellarautosourcing.com, its officers, directors, or employees “DO NOT” make any decisions with regard to lease assumptions. The individual financial lender named on the lease documentation looks at the perspective lessee on a case-by-case basis. stellarautosourcing.com will not be held liable for any decisions made in regards to such a potential relationship as between the User of this website and a financial lender that might be named on this website.
stellarautosourcing.com is a listing company. No information contained on this website should be deemed to be an offer, counteroffer, or acceptance. stellarautosourcing.com shall not be held liable for any inaccuracies on said website or any information obtained as a result of using said website.
By registering with stellarautosourcing.com as seller (the “Seller”), the Seller agrees to pay a fee to list his vehicle on stellarautosourcing.com. The cost of listing a vehicle at stellarautosourcing.com is determined by the package that the Seller selects from the seller registration page or as quoted by a stellarautosourcing.com representative. The Seller accepts that by listing his vehicle on stellarautosourcing.com, he will be charged a listing fee. The Seller also accepts that a “Success Fee” may be charged depending on what listing package is ultimately selected. It should be noted that stellarautosourcing.com does not guarantee that all listing features will be active immediately and some listing features may require contacting a stellarautosourcing.com representative to remain active. Unauthorized seller contact information may not be posted in listings. stellarautosourcing.com reserves the right to cancel a Seller’s listing and/or listing features at anytime without a refund.
By joining stellarautosourcing.com as a buyer (the “Buyer”), the Buyer agrees to pay a registration fee in order to use this website and obtain Seller contact information in order to contact the Seller directly. The Buyer agrees to be charged the registration fee to use this website as a registered Buyer when entering his contact information and credit card information. The registration fee is valid for the duration of time stated in the package selected and may be extended at the discretion of stellarautosourcing.com. stellarautosourcing.com reserves the right to cancel a Buyer’s registration at any time without a refund if it appears the registration is being utilized for marketing purposes or other improper uses. Please note that stellarautosourcing.com makes no guarantee concerning a listing’s availability or that the Seller will make any effort to correspond with the registered Buyer. It should also be noted that leasing company policies such as state restrictions and/or credit requirements may prohibit lease transfers to some registered Buyers.
By registering with stellarautosourcing.com as a dealer (the “Dealer”), the Dealer agrees to pay a monthly fee to list his vehicles on stellarautosourcing.com and the number of vehicles the Dealer will be permitted to list is determined by the package selected. The Dealer program package selected will determine the monthly fee due stellarautosourcing.com and any setup or initial charges will be charged accordingly. A change of contact person or the one responsible for managing the stellarautosourcing.com Dealer program at a particular registered dealership does not modify any agreements already in affect. A registered Dealer may provide written notice and request a program cancellation at any point in time unless an agreement with a specified time period is still in existence. It should be noted that stellarautosourcing.com does not guarantee that listings will immediately be viewable and/or that all listing features will be active immediately. stellarautosourcing.com Dealer Program listings are reserved exclusively for dealer inventory and the listing of consumer vehicles in any way shape or form is strictly prohibited. stellarautosourcing.com reserves the right to cancel any or all of a Dealer’s listing at anytime without a refund.
Void where prohibited.
The material contained on this site is the proprietary material and information of stellarautosourcing.com and stellarautosourcing.com expressly forbids any copying, reproducing, or use of this material without express written authorization from stellarautosourcing.com.
Refund Policy
stellarautosourcing.com will adhere to the following policies:
General Refund Policies and Guidelines
If any provision of this Notice is held to be invalid, void or unenforceable by reason of any law, rule, administrative order or judicial decision, that determination will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Notice. Except as specifically permitted in the Notice, no provision of the Notice can be, nor will be deemed to be waived, altered, modified or amended unless agreed to in writing signed by an authorized representative of stellarautosourcing.com.
The failure of stellarautosourcing.com to insist on strict compliance with this Notice or any other course of conduct on its part will not be deemed a waiver of stellarautosourcing.com’s rights under this Notice.
Disclaimer: Some icons on the mobile-site.html landing page are sourced from FreePik.com
Legal Notice
This website Legal Notice (“Notice”) contains important information about the terms, conditions, and risks associated with using the stellarautosourcing.com website. Please read this information carefully.
In consideration of the information and services provided by stellarautosourcing.com, the User hereby agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in this Notice, as amended from time to time.
The User promises to read this Notice carefully and retain it for future reference. The User understands that the terms and conditions of this Notice govern all aspects of his relationship with stellarautosourcing.com, including all transactions between the User and stellarautosourcing.com or the User and any other consumers of stellarautosourcing.com. The User hereby understands that the information on this website may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. stellarautosourcing.com makes no representations about the accuracy or reliability of the information contained on this website. The use of stellarautosourcing.com and any information contained on this website is at the User’s sole risk. stellarautosourcing.com reserves the right to modify or make changes to this website or Notice at any time.
The User hereby agrees and accepts the terms and conditions as set forth from stellarautosourcing.com that the material and services as laid out are provided on an “as-is” basis, meaning that the material and services are provided without any express or implied warranty. stellarautosourcing.com does not claim any warranty with regards to the quality, accuracy, or content of the information as stated on this website or any information received as a result of using this website. stellarautosourcing.com also disclaims any warranty, either expressed or implied, as to title or warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. stellarautosourcing.com further disclaims any warranties concerning the Current Lessee to provide and/or deliver any leased asset to consumers of stellarautosourcing.com or any Current Lessee registered with stellarautosourcing.com to pay a potential Lessee any payments involving a leased asset which may be described on this website.
The User hereby acknowledges and agrees that stellarautosourcing.com does not and in no way can control the actions of consumers of this website. If at anytime a dispute between the User and one or more other consumers of this website arise as a result of using stellarautosourcing.com, the User hereby releases stellarautosourcing.com, its officers, directors, and employees from any claims, demands, causes of action, suits and damages arising from such dispute.
The User hereby accepts that this Agreement is deemed to have made in the State of Ohio and will be construed, and the rights and liabilities of the User determined, in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Ohio. Furthermore, the User hereby understands and accepts that any dispute, claim or controversy arising from or related to a relationship created by this website shall be submitted to binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association,(“AAA”). The arbitration shall be governed by AAA applicable arbitration rules. The arbitration shall take place in Cincinnati, Ohio. By accepting the binding arbitration provision in this Notice, the User agrees to give up the right to sue stellarautosourcing.com in court, including the right to trial by jury, except as provided by the rules of the arbitration as administered by AAA. The User furthermore accepts that the decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the User and may be entered as a judgment by a state or federal court.
The User acknowledges that stellarautosourcing.com, its officers, directors, and employees do not verify information provided by its clients and/or business partners. Therefore, stellarautosourcing.com cannot and shall not be held responsible for any inaccuracies contained in this website or from any information derived from use of this website. By using this website, the User hereby agrees that such information is believed to be accurate, but that the accuracy of said information is not guaranteed whether expressed or implied.
The User agrees that stellarautosourcing.com, its officers, directors, and employees in no way guarantee that an individual using this website will be approved by the Financial Lending Company named on the lease for assumption of the lease. stellarautosourcing.com, its officers, directors, or employees “DO NOT” make any decisions with regard to lease assumptions. The individual financial lender named on the lease documentation looks at the perspective lessee on a case-by-case basis. stellarautosourcing.com will not be held liable for any decisions made in regards to such a potential relationship as between the User of this website and a financial lender that might be named on this website.
stellarautosourcing.com is a listing company. No information contained on this website should be deemed to be an offer, counteroffer, or acceptance. stellarautosourcing.com shall not be held liable for any inaccuracies on said website or any information obtained as a result of using said website.
By registering with stellarautosourcing.com as seller (the “Seller”), the Seller agrees to pay a fee to list his vehicle on stellarautosourcing.com. The cost of listing a vehicle at stellarautosourcing.com is determined by the package that the Seller selects from the seller registration page or as quoted by a stellarautosourcing.com representative. The Seller accepts that by listing his vehicle on stellarautosourcing.com, he will be charged a listing fee. The Seller also accepts that a “Success Fee” may be charged depending on what listing package is ultimately selected. It should be noted that stellarautosourcing.com does not guarantee that all listing features will be active immediately and some listing features may require contacting a stellarautosourcing.com representative to remain active. Unauthorized seller contact information may not be posted in listings. stellarautosourcing.com reserves the right to cancel a Seller’s listing and/or listing features at anytime without a refund.
By joining stellarautosourcing.com as a buyer (the “Buyer”), the Buyer agrees to pay a registration fee in order to use this website and obtain Seller contact information in order to contact the Seller directly. The Buyer agrees to be charged the registration fee to use this website as a registered Buyer when entering his contact information and credit card information. The registration fee is valid for the duration of time stated in the package selected and may be extended at the discretion of stellarautosourcing.com. stellarautosourcing.com reserves the right to cancel a Buyer’s registration at any time without a refund if it appears the registration is being utilized for marketing purposes or other improper uses. Please note that stellarautosourcing.com makes no guarantee concerning a listing’s availability or that the Seller will make any effort to correspond with the registered Buyer. It should also be noted that leasing company policies such as state restrictions and/or credit requirements may prohibit lease transfers to some registered Buyers.
By registering with stellarautosourcing.com as a dealer (the “Dealer”), the Dealer agrees to pay a monthly fee to list his vehicles on stellarautosourcing.com and the number of vehicles the Dealer will be permitted to list is determined by the package selected. The Dealer program package selected will determine the monthly fee due stellarautosourcing.com and any setup or initial charges will be charged accordingly. A change of contact person or the one responsible for managing the stellarautosourcing.com Dealer program at a particular registered dealership does not modify any agreements already in affect. A registered Dealer may provide written notice and request a program cancellation at any point in time unless an agreement with a specified time period is still in existence. It should be noted that stellarautosourcing.com does not guarantee that listings will immediately be viewable and/or that all listing features will be active immediately. stellarautosourcing.com Dealer Program listings are reserved exclusively for dealer inventory and the listing of consumer vehicles in any way shape or form is strictly prohibited. stellarautosourcing.com reserves the right to cancel any or all of a Dealer’s listing at anytime without a refund.
Void where prohibited.
The material contained on this site is the proprietary material and information of stellarautosourcing.com and stellarautosourcing.com expressly forbids any copying, reproducing, or use of this material without express written authorization from stellarautosourcing.com.
Refund Policy
stellarautosourcing.com will adhere to the following policies:
General Refund Policies and Guidelines
- 1. Multiple or duplicate charges are automatically eligible for refund.
- 2. Discounted services and/or promotional programs are not eligible for refund under any circumstances.
- 3. stellarautosourcing.com will process all refund requests within 5 business days of refund request approval.
- 1. Listing Fees - Not refundable under any circumstances.
- 2. Listing Upgrade Charges - Not refundable under any circumstances. (“Listing Upgrade Charges” refer to actual listing enhancements and services offered to create greater listing exposure both internally and externally from the stellarautosourcing.com website)
- 3. Success Fee - Not refundable under any circumstances. However, if a transfer is not ultimately successful a credit will be issued which is good toward future transfer initiations.
- 4. Seller understands and agrees that all information regarding the identity of the Seller is held strictly confidential to any persons that have not registered with stellarautosourcing.com. For this reason no contact information (email address, phone number, fax number, etc.) may be used in the public listing of a vehicle on the site. Any information that is found within a listing that violates this policy will be deleted without notice. *Exceptions may apply when systematically managed by stellarautosourcing.com.
- 1. Buyer Registration Fee - Not refundable under any circumstances.
- 2. Leasing Company Credit Application Fee (varies depending on Lessor) - Not refundable under any circumstances.
- 1. Lease Advisor - Not refundable under any circumstances.
- 2. Refinancing Program - Not refundable under any circumstances.
- 3. stellarautosourcing.com Peace Of Mind Program - Not refundable under any circumstances.
- 4. A policy change of any type by a leasing company is not grounds for a refund from either a Seller or Buyer’s perspective. This is true even if a lease company discontinues permitting lease transfers.
- 5. Claiming one did not understand or was unsure of a program that he registered for does not merit a refund.
- 6. Dealer program related fees and charges are not refundable under any circumstances.
- 7. Inspection Service - Not refundable under any circumstances.
If any provision of this Notice is held to be invalid, void or unenforceable by reason of any law, rule, administrative order or judicial decision, that determination will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Notice. Except as specifically permitted in the Notice, no provision of the Notice can be, nor will be deemed to be waived, altered, modified or amended unless agreed to in writing signed by an authorized representative of stellarautosourcing.com.
The failure of stellarautosourcing.com to insist on strict compliance with this Notice or any other course of conduct on its part will not be deemed a waiver of stellarautosourcing.com’s rights under this Notice.
Disclaimer: Some icons on the mobile-site.html landing page are sourced from FreePik.com